研究会開催のお知らせ 講師:Jochen Reb先生(Singapore Management University) 時間:12月21日(日)、16時〜18時頃(終了後有志で会食) 場所:東京工業大学大岡山キャンパス、西9号館706室 講師紹介:Jochen Reb先生には、2007年10月19日にも本研究会で ご発表頂いています。行動的意思決定の分野で、Regret Theoryを ベースにした研究の最先端に取り組まれ、次回のご発表もその 流れを汲む内容になると思われます。 ================================================================= 認知的統計的意思決定論研究会、メイルリスト登録諸兄、 幹事役の山岸侯彦@東工大です。 来る12月21日の研究会のアブストラクトをお届けします。 多くの皆様のご参加を、お待ちしております。 ++++++++++ 講師:Jochen Reb先生(Singapore Management University) 時間:12月21日(日)、16時〜18時頃(終了後有志で会食) 場所:東京工業大学大岡山キャンパス、西9号館706室    (電話03-5734-2934、東工大構内から内線2934) A New Look at the Endowment Effect: The Role of Possession and Psychological Ownership 簡略アブストラクト The endowment effect (Thaler, 1980) is one of the most well-known findings in behavioral decision research. The effect refers to the finding that buyers' willingness to pay (WTP) for an object tends to be significantly lower than sellers' willingness to accept (WTA) for the same object. Researchers have typically assumed that the effect is caused by differences in factual ownership. However, I present research that suggests that it is subjective feelings of ownership, rather than factual ownership per se, that cause the endowment effect. 長文版アブストラクト Research in judgment and decision making generally ignores the distinction between factual and subjective feelings of ownership, tacitly assuming that the two correspond closely. The present research suggests that this assumption might be usefully reexamined. In two experiments on the endowment effect we examine the role of subjective ownership by independently manipulating factual ownership and possession of an object. This allowed us to disentangle the effects of these two factors, which are typically confounded. We found a significant effect of possession, but not of factual ownership, on monetary valuation of the object. Moreover, this effect was mediated by participants' feelings of ownership, which were enhanced by the physical possession of the object. Thus, the endowment effect did not rely on factual ownership per se but was the result of subjective feelings of ownership induced by possession of the object. It is these feelings of ownership that appeared to lead individuals to include the object into their endowment and to shift their reference point accordingly. Potential implications and directions for future research are discussed.